We went to see the midwife this morning and everything went well. The baby's heartbeat was in the 150's, the fundal height was at 39 1/2 cm and my weight was the same. So I think he is done growing but he is just taking his time to make an entrance.
We went ahead and did a cervical exam, up until this point I have not had one because they usually don't tell you much. I was happy to do this one because I feel that it took anyway some of the anxiety and crazy worries that I have been having. She said that I was one centimeter dilated and about 50% effaced. This made Eric and I happy because it shows that my body is making progress.
After the exam our midwife said she is pretty sure we will meet baby within the next week. We went ahead and scheduled a non stress test for Thursday morning. They will monitor the baby's heart beat and movements for thirty minutes and this will let them know if the placenta is still healthy.
The only other recommendation that she gave us that we have not been doing is to relax and tell our family members to stop asking about us :) She said that can cause added anxiety.